Category Keratin tips

The best sulphate-free keratin shampoos in India

keratin shampoo

The best-sulfate free shampoo for keratin treated hair, the the best keratin shampoo! At this point, we’re familiar with seeing keratin shampoo and body wash—even hand cleanser—named as being “sulfate-free.” Truth be told, the term sulfate-free has become something of…

Keratin Treatment Appointment: Pre, During, and Post-Appointment

keratin treatment appointment

What to expect for the best results with your Keratin treatment appointment and Complex Smoothing Therapy (not flattening!)  You may even have had dreams about having bouncy, soft curls every day or having straight, frizz-free hair when you wake up…

The Best and Budget Friendly Hair Serums for Everyone!

shiny hair

Know the outcomes and choose the best and budget-friendly Hair Serum! Everybody around you is by all accounts raving about the phenomenal enemy of frizz advantages of hair serums, which has turned your intuition tops on. Isn’t that so? You’re…

FAQs: How to Take Care for Keratin Treated Hair?

keratin treated hair

FAQs: How to Take Care for Keratin Treated Hair    Would I be able to utilize oil on my hair on my keratin treated hair?  This is very dubious, as the appropriate response here is both yes and no!  No,…